Welcome to my blog!

I write a set of entries each month, packed with my best learnings and meditations.
If you think what I write is cool, reach out and let’s chat!

Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The True Self

Reading Time: 3 minutes
If we present different personae of ourselves depending on our audience, then who the hell are we?

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Irrational Self-Confidence and the Mid-Cingulate Cortex

Reading Time: 5 minutes
I think that in order to consistently write publicly, you need to develop an irrational sense of self-confidence - and you do this by doing forcing yourself to do things that you don’t want to do, which strengthens a part of the brain called the mid-cingulate cortex.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Reflecting on Two Years at the Gym

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Today marks my two year anniversary at the gym. I find it hard to overstate how much this place has taught me, and in this article, I’ll share some of the most important and impactful lessons that this place has taught me.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The Secret to Life

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I think I’ve found the secret to living a happy, fulfilled, and meaningful life. It’s all about self-actualisation, through introspection to find your personal principles, living true to yourself.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

You’re motivated. But are you obsessed?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The secret to outlier success is obsession. Motivation can and will waver - but obsession is long term, and compounds to reach incredible success. It feels like waking up, and having this incessant urge to work on this one thing. Like, you literally jolt out of bed and spend hours meditating on this one thing.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

To Pivot or Not to Pivot

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Many say that we should ‘never give up’. But I think that there are times where our struggle is counterproductive, and we should pivot to something more suited to us. Stay true to yourself, but the best version of yourself. I guess this is a more contrarian article :)

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Success is Self-Defined

Reading Time: 3 minutes
What if success was measured subjectively and not objectively? We chase success every day, but how would we change our pursuit of it with the knowledge that it is self-defined?

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

High School Graduation: A Paradigm Shift

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I graduate high school in around four days. Here are the things that I’ll miss, the things that I won’t miss, and my mindset moving forward as this chapter of my life comes to a close.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The Futility of Controlling Uncertainty

Reading time: 10 minutes

“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca
Since you can’t control your life, you should stop trying. We control nothing in this world but our own thoughts, actions, and mindset in the current moment. If you can’t control it, don’t worry. If you can control it, do your absolute best, and don’t worry!

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Life is Single-Player: How To Escape ‘The Matrix’

Reading Time: 3 minutes
It was my birthday ten days ago. I journaled, went to the gym at night, and had a nice, quiet dinner with my family. Naval Ravikant’s article “Envy is the Enemy of Happiness” describes how we live in a single-player game.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Deep Thinking vs Overthinking

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Think deeply and be intentional with what you do every day. Journaling, meditating, and going to the gym worked best for me. Sometimes, you just can’t afford to give a fuck and instead, it’s better to not dwell on it. You just gotta let it go.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Does True Altruism Really Exist?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This might seem like a pretty stupid question. I dare you to read on. In my life, I’ve had my fair share of helping people; I think we all have some memory of our own altruistic endeavours.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Sanity and Time Management

Reading Time: 6 minutes

While in Year 12, I’m interning at a startup, serving as School Vice-Captain, working on personal projects, going to the gym, having a decent(ish) social life and maintaining my sanity. Learn how I manage my time.

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