Welcome to my blog!

I write a set of entries each month, packed with my best learnings and meditations.
If you think what I write is cool, reach out and let’s chat!

Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The Secret to Life

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I think I’ve found the secret to living a happy, fulfilled, and meaningful life. It’s all about self-actualisation, through introspection to find your personal principles, living true to yourself.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Success is Self-Defined

Reading Time: 3 minutes
What if success was measured subjectively and not objectively? We chase success every day, but how would we change our pursuit of it with the knowledge that it is self-defined?

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The Futility of Controlling Uncertainty

Reading time: 10 minutes

“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca
Since you can’t control your life, you should stop trying. We control nothing in this world but our own thoughts, actions, and mindset in the current moment. If you can’t control it, don’t worry. If you can control it, do your absolute best, and don’t worry!

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Life is Single-Player: How To Escape ‘The Matrix’

Reading Time: 3 minutes
It was my birthday ten days ago. I journaled, went to the gym at night, and had a nice, quiet dinner with my family. Naval Ravikant’s article “Envy is the Enemy of Happiness” describes how we live in a single-player game.

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