Welcome to my blog!

I write a set of entries each month, packed with my best learnings and meditations.
If you think what I write is cool, reach out and let’s chat!

Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The Secret to Life

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I think I’ve found the secret to living a happy, fulfilled, and meaningful life. It’s all about self-actualisation, through introspection to find your personal principles, living true to yourself.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Experience Co-exists With Reading

Reading time: 2 minutes

Experience without reading is nothing, and reading without experience is nothing. Reading invites us to reshape our perspectives, while reflecting on experience helps us internalise learnings with personal contexts.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

You’re motivated. But are you obsessed?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The secret to outlier success is obsession. Motivation can and will waver - but obsession is long term, and compounds to reach incredible success. It feels like waking up, and having this incessant urge to work on this one thing. Like, you literally jolt out of bed and spend hours meditating on this one thing.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Thoughts on International Travel with Mates

Reading Time: 7 minutes
I just got home from a c. two week trip with three of my high school friends. I’ve been asked for tips on travelling overseas by more than five people now, and I’ve decided to write some thoughts up on how I view travelling, some key learnings, and concepts that could potentially empower your travel experience.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

To Pivot or Not to Pivot

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Many say that we should ‘never give up’. But I think that there are times where our struggle is counterproductive, and we should pivot to something more suited to us. Stay true to yourself, but the best version of yourself. I guess this is a more contrarian article :)

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

The Futility of Controlling Uncertainty

Reading time: 10 minutes

“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca
Since you can’t control your life, you should stop trying. We control nothing in this world but our own thoughts, actions, and mindset in the current moment. If you can’t control it, don’t worry. If you can control it, do your absolute best, and don’t worry!

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

How to Find Confidence, With Actor and Writer Chris Fung

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Confidence materialises when an individual decides to express themself despite their insecurities. Everyone deals with imposter syndrome. I think there are ways that you can force yourself to learn to be more confident.

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