Welcome to my blog!

I write a set of entries each month, packed with my best learnings and meditations.
If you think what I write is cool, reach out and let’s chat!

Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Balancing Spontaneity and Planning

Reading Time: 4 minutes
’Judging’ personality types are detailed planners who love creating schedules. ‘Perceiving’ personality types are much more flexible adaptive, and spontaneous.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Life is Single-Player: How To Escape ‘The Matrix’

Reading Time: 3 minutes
It was my birthday ten days ago. I journaled, went to the gym at night, and had a nice, quiet dinner with my family. Naval Ravikant’s article “Envy is the Enemy of Happiness” describes how we live in a single-player game.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Deep Thinking vs Overthinking

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Think deeply and be intentional with what you do every day. Journaling, meditating, and going to the gym worked best for me. Sometimes, you just can’t afford to give a fuck and instead, it’s better to not dwell on it. You just gotta let it go.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Does True Altruism Really Exist?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This might seem like a pretty stupid question. I dare you to read on. In my life, I’ve had my fair share of helping people; I think we all have some memory of our own altruistic endeavours.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Sanity and Time Management

Reading Time: 6 minutes

While in Year 12, I’m interning at a startup, serving as School Vice-Captain, working on personal projects, going to the gym, having a decent(ish) social life and maintaining my sanity. Learn how I manage my time.

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Yurui Zi Yurui Zi

Explained: NSW HSC Alignment, Moderation and Scaling

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC) has quite a few complicated processes that most high school students don’t take the time to explore. This article attempts to break down how the HSC works in terms of alignment, moderation and scaling.

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